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文档列表 文档介绍
null, 名字, 宠物
select * from pet
select name, owner form pet
select sin(1+2) as sin
select * from pet where (birth>'1980' and species='dog') or species='bird'
select * from pet where sex is not null
select * from pet where owner like '___n%'
select * from pet where owner in ('gwen' , 'benny')
--查询出生日期在90年代是宠物,相当与   >= and  <=
select * from pet where birth between '1990' and '1999'
select * from pet order by owner, name desc
select * from pet where sex='m' order by birth desc
SELECT owner,length(owner),char_length(owner) FROM pet p;
select distinct owner from pet where species='dog'
select name, left(birth,4) as year, mid(birth, 6, 2) as month from pet
where species='dog' or species='cat'
select name, year(birth) as year, month(birth) as month from pet
where species in('dog','cat')
select name, species, birth
from pet
where owner like '%e%'
order by species,birth desc
select round(,2), truncate(,2), mod(323,5)
select now(), curdate(), curtime()
select adddate('2007-02-02', interval 31 day)
select name,birth,

mysql数据库查询 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处.

  • 页数5
  • 收藏数0 收藏
  • 顶次数0
  • 上传人wc69885
  • 文件大小0 KB
  • 时间2015-09-25