
优秀课评比课件--M7U3Reading阅读课 (2).doc

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Unit 3 The world online
The effects of the Internet on our lives (1)
Learning aims:
1。To understand the argument the first speech and finish the following tasks
Task 1。 Analyze the structure of the first speech
A specific view: __________________________________________________.
Para ____: Present the two main points
Para ____: Supporting facts for Point 1
Para ____: Supporting facts for Point 2
Para ____: Draw a conclusion
Task 2. Fill in the blanks.
Supporting facts: Internet friendships are based on common____7_____.
People who are disabled can _____8_____ with the outside world.
View: The Internet has ____1____ effects on our life
Point1: Its __2__ for people to look for information
Point2: Its ___6___ for people to build social bonds
Supporting facts: A survey shows __3_ of users use it to search for answers to questions.
_4__ of the respondents use it to advance knowledge about ____5____.
Conclusion: the Internet remains a positive __9__that makes our lives better
(2)Read the second speech and finish the following tasks
Task 1. Analyze the structure of the 2nd speech
A specific view: _____________________________________________________
Para 1: Present the two ___________
Para 2: ________________for Point 1
Para 3-4: Supporting facts for Point 2
Para 5: Draw a __________________
Task 2。 Complete the form below

优秀课评比课件--M7U3Reading阅读课 (2) 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处.

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  • 页数10
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  • 文件大小71 KB
  • 时间2022-02-13