
新概念2第51课 Lesson 51 课件.pptx

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Lesson 51
Reward of virtue
My friend, Hugh, has always been fat, but things got so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a week ago. First of all, he wrote out a long list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the things Hugh loves: butter, potatoes, rice, beer, milk, chocolate; and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell and was not surprised to see that Hugh was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and hurriedly hid a large parcel under his desk.
It was obvious that he was very embarrassed. When I asked him what he was doing, he smiled guiltily and then put the parcel on the desk. He explained that his diet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally. Then he showed me the contents of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets!
read and answer
1. Is Hugh fat or not? Has he gone on a diet or not?
did he hide under his desk when the writer visited him yesterday?
3. Why did Hugh say that he had to reward himself occasionally?
New Words
n.[劳经] 报酬;报答;酬谢
vt. [劳经] 奖励;奖赏
reward for 因…的酬谢;作为…的回报
as a reward for 作为…的报酬;作为…的回报
reward system 奖赏系统;奖励系统
reward with 奖赏
offer a reward 悬赏
ary reward 金钱奖赏;赏金
financial reward 物质奖酬,奖金
in reward for 作为报答;作为…的报酬
Command and reward model workers and advanced workers .
I give myself a reward or treat when I do well in English .
virtue ['və:tju:]
n. 美德;优点;***;功效
have the virtue of 具有…的优点
make a virtue of necessity 心甘情愿地做非做不可的事
Virtue is its own reward. [谚语]有德便是有报;为善最乐。
diet ['daiət]
n. 饮食;食物;规定饮食
vi. 节食
vt. [医] 照规定饮食
[过去式dieted  过去分词dieted  现在分词dieting  ]
She has dieted off five pounds.
We must diet and take more exercise.
No dessert for me, thanks, I'm dieting.
Diet was a first step .
Stress coupled with diet will add to stomach problems .

新概念2第51课 Lesson 51 课件 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处.

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  • 页数28
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  • 上传人lyd13607
  • 文件大小1.56 MB
  • 时间2018-01-12